Facebook's Preventional Tool

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In my recent post I had mentioned that how people are connected to Social Media and are so close to it.

And that thing seems true as here in this modern era we got many cases of suicide.

And before doing that they always left some suicide status to their Facebook's Wall.

So Now our Bestie "Facebook" has launched a New feature to prevent it's user from making suiciede.

According to News Facebook is testing "Suicide Preventional Tool"

This tool will Prevent it's users from killing themselves.

As soon as A Facebook user post's a status winch states some stress or any serious problem then the tool will alert Facebook.

The tool will not work Itself. It will be triggered with an "arrow" which Facebook will provide under Status.

When any of the person's friend see any depressing status then he/she will click on "arrow" which will let Facebook to know about the person's mental state.

And after that Facebook will call that person and will try to resolve
the problem of that person so that he/she will abort.

Last Week Facebook has tested this "Preventional Tool" in America with
some limited users.

And currently Facebook is updating It's "Preventional Tool" as from the response of people.

And as soon as "Preventional Tool" will be updated it will be in INDIA too
on smartphones and desktop too.

Another feature with a slogan "Your Pics Your Rules" is especially liked by people especially Girls.

With this feature if you find that some one is misusing your picture
then you can report to Facebook and if the pic violates it's policies
Then Facebook will remove that picture for you.

Soon These features will land in INDIA too.

So now from on Take care of you and your friends and also Prevent them from hurting themselves.


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