Disk Hiding Using Command Prompt

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Today most of us use Computer and it has become a part of our daily life. It stores many content such as games, songs, movies, our documents and may be our  personal pictures and videos or any other personal or official  matter which we want to protect from unauthorized access.

For this purpose we get thousands of software in market. But in case if we do not have the availability of such software and many parents want to protect the stuff from their kids or  kids wants to hide their games or their content from their parents  then this simple computer trick can be useful for the seekers.

This is the simplest method to hide your entire whole drive without compromising your data.

Now I will tell you how to do it in simple steps with images

First of all open the command prompt typing cmd at run It will open the command prompt.

Disk Hiding

Now enter the diskpart and press enter.

Disk Hiding

After that some User Account Control permission will be asked then press yes then you will have diskpart command line interface

Disk Hiding

Type list volume  and press enter after which you will have all your volumes with their letter

Disk Hiding

 Now just type Select volume  with the number of that volume that you want to hide and press enter

Disk Hiding

After this step type  remove letter F  with the letter of the drive you want to hide and note that the letter must be the same as of the selected volume

Disk Hiding

Then After pressing enter  your disk will be hidden just as of mine

Disk Hiding

Disk Hiding

Now After  when you have your privacy back  you surely want your drive back

So just follow these steps to get it back

The process is same first open command prompt as like you earlier did after type again diskpart and you will have User Accoun Control window and press yes after again type list volume

Now it will be like that

Un hiding Disk 

Now type select volume with that number whose letter you had previously removed

Un hiding Disk

Now type Assign letter e or that old letter that was previously used for your drive

Unhiding Disk

That's all you will be have results like this

Unhiding Disk

let us know about the experience of this trick.


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