Connecting Social Media To A Website

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"Social Media "   
This word has become a part of our life in this era.

Especially Facebook and Twitter has become a part of life. 

We share our life with them more than  any other else.

And it seems that "Social Media" has become a life partner and our Best Friend.

So  shouldn't we take the help of our life partner to promote our website ?  Of course Yes !

We Must.

So Today I will allow My "Life Partner " to promote My blog.

First Of all I have to Introduce My website to my Social media partner.

To do this I have to take my friend's eye towards my website. 

So to do this I have to ask Facebook as she use different language for recognizing the website.

So first I will go To Facebook.

"Hey Dear Facebook ! Can You help Me connecting My Blog With you?  "

"Yes of course Why Not!  Ankit Just Add the Code to your Website that I am sending You."

"First Add this code to your website's body section."
      window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
          appId      : &#39;your-app-id&#39;,
          xfbml      : true,
          version    : &#39;v2.1&#39;

      (function(d, s, id){
         var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
         if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
         js = d.createElement(s); = id;
         js.src = &quot;//;;
         fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
       }(document, &#39;script&#39;, &#39;facebook-jssdk&#39;));

 "Then Add Below Code To that place where You want to add Like gadget for your facebook Page."

 <div class="fb-like-box" data-href="Your Page Link" data-colorscheme="light" data-show-faces="true" data-header="true" data-stream="false" data-show-border="true"></div>

 " Thanks a Lot Dear Facebook. Ok now I have to go and ask This Favour To Twitter Too."

"OK Bye Good Luck! ; I hope twitter will also Help you.

Now After I have connected my website/blog to Facebook . It's time to connect with Twitter too.

 "Hi! Twitter. I need Your help. I have got a New blog and I want you to help me for spreading it to whole world."

"Ok Ankit Just add this simple Piece of code to your website."

 "Wait ! Have you created an account related to your website in My Network."

 "Yes I have done It already."

 "LOL! You remembered That account. I thought You Forget as you have not tweeted there. "

"I will tweet There. Please Provide me the code to connect."

"Ok The code is too mashy to understood by your little head So you check my Guide or In your language Twitter's Guide." 

"Whoa ! Twitter was So Intelligent. How did he know about My head."

And After hot conversation With twitter I decided to get code for You Tube from My another Friend  Who Is all-rounder and he's so famous. I know You also Know him.

"Hi ! Google what's Up. "

"Just helping People around !  You want That HOT stuff Again ? I will give You ."

"OH !!  NO! NO! Don't Open My  secret to public. "

"Ha Ha.  I was just joking . Ask me I will help You. "

 "Finally You are Serious Now. Then Please Provide Me The code   to connect My blog with My YouTube Channel."

"Bro code will be complex Go to this Link and you will have your code."

"Ok Bye I have to help other too. And next time you want  some spicy content  come to me;  Ha Ha. "
"Arghhh!!  Don't pick on me.  Bye ! go you have a lot of work."

So finally I have all the code and now MY website is complete. I hope your's will be too.

And you must connect your website with social media. As I am a beginner so today I had done this.

Especially Social media is a great tool to make our website more visible to the audience all over the world.

I hope you enjoyed My conversation With "Social Media" and If you have any problems related to establishing connection then tell me or them I am sure They will help again.


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