Hyper Text For me

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After 3 or 4 days of  depression. I am back here and today I am again with you.

I think This blog is going to starve as the writer is discontinuous here due to out of ideas and sources.

As this is a blog so verified information is required as people reads and gain.

For me this blog is just a test ground and will be passively alive.

I thought that i must again start with a new angle a new website having all my design my code and with a custom domain.

So for that I must have some knowledge of scripting.

From now on I will have some Hyper Text here posted here.

Currently I am learning from a Book and I have an idea of posting all the stuff which i learn in my own way.

May be if there are some of guys who reads this blog daily or may be weekly as it is not updated daily so form now on We all will have HTML5 lessons here with me.

It  might be possible people already had knowledge of HTML but still there are always starter alive.

Everyone want to learn as it helps in growing.

As I am learning HTML/CSS  so the next  there will be a whole series of HTML/CSS.  And as a test ground I will also create a dummy website at blogger to understand how the blogger will work with my website .

How it will link with my design and many more.

A lot of things to learn.

As I know the world wants something new. There are many old things that people already know.

So may be that's why I am getting minimum traffic. But that's all right. As I lack resources like fast internet.

Fast Internet is essential thing for a blogger as blogger has to read other bloggers blogs to learn more

Also I am connected with some of bloggers Like Rohan bro active at Learning With TeamSR, Sashidhar bro founder of Amfas Tech and Rahul bro having Spellbound Words. Those are amazing guys and they have amazing website and amazing work.

As they are passionate about their work. But I want my self as a code lover who loves coding. I want to become an awesome programmer.

Currently I am not a programmer but I think If I follow this inner feeling then soon one day I will become some serious programmer. Who stick to his computer whole night and always come up with new and awesome cool things.

I love money But the thing I know is that I can't chase money as it is tough. And I had failed many time doing that.

The thing I understood is that there is something that "Money" chases.

That thing is "Passion". People having a passion for something are always rich as their work is their passion which they love doing day and night and money always Rolls in.

So my search for passion is continued and I hope I can and I will have that work .

Till then We all have HTML 5.

I hope I will get here some suggestion form the readers. 


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