Does Beginner Bloggers Need Motivation?

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Yesterday I didn't post anything at my blog and  "Does Beginner Bloggers Need Motivation" strike my mind.

I checked out me and found it true as at the start of old day I found that no one had read my posts. And same condition was with my youtube channel. Just some 4-5 views and that's all and also with a copyright notice .

Today with new day I raised this topic in front of the whole world ; "may be few of them will be here to reply for me."

So let's begin knowing something about me.

I am a normal middle class boy  who had started writing two year ago and my first blog was I Have Dreams too . Which I had left as it was not having any fix direction.

At beginning I started writing about myself. I wrote there for some days. About my character and hobbies and my activities; as two years ago I was a beginner at trading so I posted there about my state of mind after losing trades.

But Now After two year I am back again with this new blog and after six posts I found myself demotivated after watching the stats of my blog. I am writing things for people and no one is here to read.

After this you need a big motivation for boosting your blog. As a beginner I have to understand many things such as customization of blog.

For this I try to understand the template "HTML/CSS" and more on. Hopefully I can understand some of these. 

But in case of a newbie it will be somewhat tough to understand these; as two year ago I had faced many awkward things in customizing templates.

It may be or may not a point of issue that here it is costly to own a high-speed internet connection.  I myself use 2G dial up networking. Things go really slow not too but somewhat; as 3G plans are Costly and have limited data.

And one more thing is that there is No support By family.

They always keep on saying "What The Heck you are doing with your Laptop always; Study some books! " and all crap about "watch that person He is good at studies!  bla bla" and all.

These situations create many negative feelings.

And Here I wrote again as I want my website to grow and I want to Share my thought with the whole world so I tried again.

First I customize my template and I liked it. It somewhat gave me some boost to work again.

So it's really a serious topic.   

I think Everyone Needs Motivation So as I

As I am a beginner I want to know from you people who are in blogging more than 6 months.

I want your help; I want to know about your journey.

I also want to know about that have you also faced this type of situation when you started your blog?

 How to overcome this type of situation?

Also I want to know that How much you people earns from blogging? "Don't stare at this Line  Afterall Money matters  "

And also newbies like me can also comment their situation here.


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