Matrix Effect

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Hey friends! How many of you all have seen 
Matrix Movie or played Matrix game; I hope many of you have seen that movie. 

In that movie you have seen some green numbers were falling down from above.

Today I will show you the trick how we can generate the matrix effect on your computer.

Just follow these steps

  •          Create a text file at your desktop using notepad
  •          Then after that just type the following code in it

@echo off

: start

color 02

echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%

goto start

Just this simple code will create a matrix effect.

Now I will explain these 


@echo off

is used for the hiding the default directory 

is the label created by the used you can create any character following 

:color 02 
is used for setting the background and foreground colour. We have codes for the colour change.

echo  %random%
The echo is used for displaying the character following it. Here we have used %random% this states that echo will display random numbers at the output.

and goto command will jump the program to the start label.

 I hope you had enjoyed this trick and if in case if had done any mistake in explanation of the program the please correct me in comment it will help us all to learn. 


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