Facebook's Preventional Tool

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In my recent post I had mentioned that how people are connected to Social Media and are so close to it.

And that thing seems true as here in this modern era we got many cases of suicide.

And before doing that they always left some suicide status to their Facebook's Wall.

So Now our Bestie "Facebook" has launched a New feature to prevent it's user from making suiciede.

According to News Facebook is testing "Suicide Preventional Tool"

This tool will Prevent it's users from killing themselves.

As soon as A Facebook user post's a status winch states some stress or any serious problem then the tool will alert Facebook.

The tool will not work Itself. It will be triggered with an "arrow" which Facebook will provide under Status.

When any of the person's friend see any depressing status then he/she will click on "arrow" which will let Facebook to know about the person's mental state.

And after that Facebook will call that person and will try to resolve
the problem of that person so that he/she will abort.

Last Week Facebook has tested this "Preventional Tool" in America with
some limited users.

And currently Facebook is updating It's "Preventional Tool" as from the response of people.

And as soon as "Preventional Tool" will be updated it will be in INDIA too
on smartphones and desktop too.

Another feature with a slogan "Your Pics Your Rules" is especially liked by people especially Girls.

With this feature if you find that some one is misusing your picture
then you can report to Facebook and if the pic violates it's policies
Then Facebook will remove that picture for you.

Soon These features will land in INDIA too.

So now from on Take care of you and your friends and also Prevent them from hurting themselves.

Xiaomi Mi3 Hand's On Review

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Just a few month after rolling in to Indian Market Chinese Smartphone Manufacturer Xiaomi had Made it's place in Indian's Heart.

Xiaomi Mi3 was the first product which just flew from China and landed
Directly to the heart's of people in India.

Xiaomi Mi3 is packed with extraordinary hardware and with it's aggressive
price it is still in the heart of People.And We can buy Xiaomi Mi3 exclusively at flipkart.

I had got My Xiaomi Mi3 in November and from then I experienced many good and some bad thing's too.

First Let's have a Look At It's Specifications on GSM Arena

Feels Pretty to Eyes

The device is just 8.1 mm in it's thickness and it's so slim that you will love it in first sigh.

It doesn't have a metallic body; but in silver colour it seems metallic but neither it is metallic not purely plastic.

The good thing is that Xiaomi Mi3 doesn't catch dirt and it is easily cleaned.

But a body cover is required to protect Mi3's body from damaging in case of falling.

Another thing that will make you to buy the device is it's light weight. It is having a weight of 145gm but still if feels light to hand.


Now let's talk about it's hardware And it's Specification

It is having Qualcom Snapdragon 800 Chipset with Quad-Core 2.3 Ghz krait 400 cpu having Adrino 330 as GPU with a combination of 2GB of RAM.

Due to it's powerful hardware and Xiaomi miui 6 the device never became laggy. And the nice  thing about Xiaomi mi3 is that It get Updates in time.

But Still Xiaomi Mi3 Lollipop isn't landed to the device. I hope it will soon be here.

Screen And Gaming 

Xiaomi Mi3 has got a 5inch Full HD screen. It's screen is bright and is having excellent viewing angels due to it's IPS panel.

As with it's Adrino 330 GPU gaming experience changes a lot. You will enjoy gaming with it's Bright Screen. 


Xiaomi mi3 had Got 13mp Sony Xmor sensor and a 2mp front facing shooter. This camera is awesome for taking pictures in manual mode.

But automatic mode is not too good as it's pictures gets enough noise. I use manual setting to capture.

Front camera is surprisingly good at good lightning conditions but it fails in low light.

From this device you can capture videos in 480 , HD and in Full HD too.

Video quality is good but the sound recording at the time of video shooting is not impressive.Sound distort somewhat.

Overall it has a well performing camera but if you are passionate about video recording then i would recommend not to go for this device.

Xiaomi Mi3 can be used as a music playback device. It has got 3.5 jack and I love to lisen music on it using My Sennheiser CX 275s.

And I use Power Amp application to enjoy music in it.

The device has got it's speakers below not in it's back side. So you will also enjoy music in speaker mode.


It has Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi, NFC GPS with A GPS and Glonass. Which is enough for people of INDIA. Only WiFi and Bluetooth are used generally.

Battery Backup

With it's 3050maH non removable battery the cellphone last's a whole day long with it's while using it on wifi and playing music. The standby is upto 500 hrs claimed by company.

Finally Xiaomi mi3 With all it's advantages It has some cons too.

  • It only have a fixed 16GB of memory.
  • It has only one single sim Slot.
  • The service centres of Xiaomi are not everywhere in INDIA.

Still you can experience this device. Xiaomi Mi3 is Awesome and I would recommend you to Go for this device.

And Soon We will get android Lollipop in Xiaomi Mi3 

Till then Stay Updated and I hope you enjoyed this article and also Tell us what you think.

What's App Web

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Have you heard about the what's app web page. If not then you must read further.

 And as soon you will be able to know about it and; I am sure that  If you like working at your PC whole Day then you will get a whole new What's app experience. 

Today everybody is familiar with What's app as we all people have become habitual of it. Our normal text messaging has changed to what's app messages.

But some of users like me or like you are always busy at our pc's so it becomes really frustrating to reply and check cell phone again and again especially; if people like me love typing through computer's keyboard.

To do this many of us use what's app in PC using Bluestack ; that is simulator  for playing android applications. But it has it's own limitations.

So what's app has solved our problem with it's new what's app web page.

It's a latest new feature and here I will show you how to use this feature in your smartphone.

First of all if you have old version of what's app; then you better update it.

After That fire your browser at your computer and go to What's App web page.

There you will find a QR code.

Now open your what's app at your cellphone.

After That open a drop down menu where you will find What's app web option

And as you previously opened what's app web on your PC then you just have to scan the QR code displayed.

After that you will have your cellphone what's app there.

And remember that what’s app web is currently working on Google Chrome. It can also work on Opera mini But at Mozilla Firefox it will not work.

So Open your Google chrome and enjoy! 

Connecting Social Media To A Website

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"Social Media "   
This word has become a part of our life in this era.

Especially Facebook and Twitter has become a part of life. 

We share our life with them more than  any other else.

And it seems that "Social Media" has become a life partner and our Best Friend.

So  shouldn't we take the help of our life partner to promote our website ?  Of course Yes !

We Must.

So Today I will allow My "Life Partner " to promote My blog.

First Of all I have to Introduce My website to my Social media partner.

To do this I have to take my friend's eye towards my website. 

So to do this I have to ask Facebook as she use different language for recognizing the website.

So first I will go To Facebook.

"Hey Dear Facebook ! Can You help Me connecting My Blog With you?  "

"Yes of course Why Not!  Ankit Just Add the Code to your Website that I am sending You."

"First Add this code to your website's body section."
      window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
          appId      : &#39;your-app-id&#39;,
          xfbml      : true,
          version    : &#39;v2.1&#39;

      (function(d, s, id){
         var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
         if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
         js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
         js.src = &quot;//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js&quot;;
         fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
       }(document, &#39;script&#39;, &#39;facebook-jssdk&#39;));

 "Then Add Below Code To that place where You want to add Like gadget for your facebook Page."

 <div class="fb-like-box" data-href="Your Page Link" data-colorscheme="light" data-show-faces="true" data-header="true" data-stream="false" data-show-border="true"></div>

 " Thanks a Lot Dear Facebook. Ok now I have to go and ask This Favour To Twitter Too."

"OK Bye Good Luck! ; I hope twitter will also Help you.

Now After I have connected my website/blog to Facebook . It's time to connect with Twitter too.

 "Hi! Twitter. I need Your help. I have got a New blog and I want you to help me for spreading it to whole world."

"Ok Ankit Just add this simple Piece of code to your website."

 "Wait ! Have you created an account related to your website in My Network."

 "Yes I have done It already."

 "LOL! You remembered That account. I thought You Forget as you have not tweeted there. "

"I will tweet There. Please Provide me the code to connect."

"Ok The code is too mashy to understood by your little head So you check my Guide or In your language Twitter's Guide." 

"Whoa ! Twitter was So Intelligent. How did he know about My head."

And After hot conversation With twitter I decided to get code for You Tube from My another Friend  Who Is all-rounder and he's so famous. I know You also Know him.

"Hi ! Google what's Up. "

"Just helping People around !  You want That HOT stuff Again ? I will give You ."

"OH !!  NO! NO! Don't Open My  secret to public. "

"Ha Ha.  I was just joking . Ask me I will help You. "

 "Finally You are Serious Now. Then Please Provide Me The code   to connect My blog with My YouTube Channel."

"Bro code will be complex Go to this Link and you will have your code."

"Ok Bye I have to help other too. And next time you want  some spicy content  come to me;  Ha Ha. "
"Arghhh!!  Don't pick on me.  Bye ! go you have a lot of work."

So finally I have all the code and now MY website is complete. I hope your's will be too.

And you must connect your website with social media. As I am a beginner so today I had done this.

Especially Social media is a great tool to make our website more visible to the audience all over the world.

I hope you enjoyed My conversation With "Social Media" and If you have any problems related to establishing connection then tell me or them I am sure They will help again.

Customizing Function Of Power Buttons In Windows

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"Power Button" 

Can you Imagine world without a "Power Button!" Surely Not.

As like everyone use power button for turning on and off their electronic device I also use it.

But yesterday when I was shutting down my pc then I noticed  that I was missing sleep option at my windows 8 PC. 

I became frightened and started thinking that what had happened to my PC.After that I started searching and researching on my PC; "From where this thing happened!"

And  few minutes later I found the solution.

So Today I am sharing "How to Customize Function Of Power Button".

When we turns off our pc By GUI method then we generally see these three options usually.

But sometimes one option may be vanishes; we becomes worried. 

And It really becomes a big problem when "Shutdown" missing from the options.

So now let's see how these Power buttons vanishes or visible 

Perform These steps on your PC

Open Control Panel.

Search for Power options and open it. You will find it.

After opening it you will see various functions

Then click on "Choose What Power Option Does"

After that you will see new window. 

There Just click on "Change setting that are currently unavailable"

After that You can change the Shutdown settings
You can check or uncheck those options and make your power options visible or vanish .

Thanks for reading. I hope your problem has been solved . 

And let us know if you are having any Questions.

Does Beginner Bloggers Need Motivation?

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Yesterday I didn't post anything at my blog and  "Does Beginner Bloggers Need Motivation" strike my mind.

I checked out me and found it true as at the start of old day I found that no one had read my posts. And same condition was with my youtube channel. Just some 4-5 views and that's all and also with a copyright notice .

Today with new day I raised this topic in front of the whole world ; "may be few of them will be here to reply for me."

So let's begin knowing something about me.

I am a normal middle class boy  who had started writing two year ago and my first blog was I Have Dreams too . Which I had left as it was not having any fix direction.

At beginning I started writing about myself. I wrote there for some days. About my character and hobbies and my activities; as two years ago I was a beginner at trading so I posted there about my state of mind after losing trades.

But Now After two year I am back again with this new blog and after six posts I found myself demotivated after watching the stats of my blog. I am writing things for people and no one is here to read.

After this you need a big motivation for boosting your blog. As a beginner I have to understand many things such as customization of blog.

For this I try to understand the template "HTML/CSS" and more on. Hopefully I can understand some of these. 

But in case of a newbie it will be somewhat tough to understand these; as two year ago I had faced many awkward things in customizing templates.

It may be or may not a point of issue that here it is costly to own a high-speed internet connection.  I myself use 2G dial up networking. Things go really slow not too but somewhat; as 3G plans are Costly and have limited data.

And one more thing is that there is No support By family.

They always keep on saying "What The Heck you are doing with your Laptop always; Study some books! " and all crap about "watch that person He is good at studies!  bla bla" and all.

These situations create many negative feelings.

And Here I wrote again as I want my website to grow and I want to Share my thought with the whole world so I tried again.

First I customize my template and I liked it. It somewhat gave me some boost to work again.

So it's really a serious topic.   

I think Everyone Needs Motivation So as I

As I am a beginner I want to know from you people who are in blogging more than 6 months.

I want your help; I want to know about your journey.

I also want to know about that have you also faced this type of situation when you started your blog?

 How to overcome this type of situation?

Also I want to know that How much you people earns from blogging? "Don't stare at this Line  Afterall Money matters  "

And also newbies like me can also comment their situation here.

Troubleshooting Internet Connection

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Today Internet has become an essential part of our life. And we can't imagine a day without internet.

But sometime shit things happen with our PC's and our browsers did not work.

So today we will troubleshoot internet Connection  at your PC.

Mainly there are some reasons due to which your PC lost internet Access. 

You may be out of your Internet Limit or internet credit. Or your  prepaid balance had dropped down to 0.

In case You use a broadband you may have it's LAN cable unplugged or may be your router had lost power.

Or maybe you have incorrect IPv4 configurations or IP configurations.

And most of the times it becomes really frustrating when network tray shows "connected  no internet access" status.

How TO Fix This Problem

First of all check your Internet service provider status i.e. is your connection alive. Internet service provider is the company from which you had subscribed an internet connection.

Don't Forget to check your prepaid balance

If you are a prepaid user and use internet through your sim card Then be sure that you have enough data balance to access internet.

Have You Paid Bills?

"Hey Broadband user!! Have you paid your last bill?"
Broadband users must check for their bills as some of the ISP's disconnect the user's connection in case of unpaid bill.

OK If you have all passed on above steps then surely the problem lies inside your PC

Incorrect Configuration

First of all Check your IPv4 configuration

Just follow these steps

  • Open your Control Panel.
  • Then Click on Networking and Sharing Center.
  • Then click on Change Advance sharing Setting.
  • Then You will see many network connections there. Now click on the network connection you use i.e which is connected currently.
  • Right click on your active connection. Then you will have drop down menu. From that Just Click on Properties.
  • If you are using a fixed internet connection then you will see many options checked. From them just Search for "Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)".
  • Then Click on Configure or double click on "Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)"
  • Then another window will Pop Up from where you will see it's general properties
  • From there just click on "obtain IP address automatically".
And your problem is solved 

  • Or in case your ISP has provided you an IP address then you can click on "Use the following IP address" and input the Provided IP address.

In case if you are connected but your browsers are not working then follow these steps
  • Open control panel  >  Internet Options  >  Connection >  Select Your connection > Setting > check Automatically Detect Setting.

That's all Now your browsers will start working.

If you find this post useful then Let Us tell at comments or if you have solutions other than this then feel free to tell us.

Accessing Basic Functions Through cmd

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In my last post I have introduced you to the command prompt and its customizations. Now in this post I will have a brief description of accessing basic functions through cmd.

Before we start I would inform you that all the  instructions of this post are done practically on windows 8 cmd so there may be slightly change in the format of the commands than it was used to be at windows XP.  

But still I will provide the old format too.And you can type the commands in Uppercase and lowercase too i.e. Capital letters or small letters. 

And at the end of this post I have a live tutorial to make everyone understand.

From this post you will able to learn

1.       View the contents of Directory.

2.       Create a directory.

3.       Change from one directory to another.

4.       Change from one drive to another.

5.       Copy files.

6.       Rename files.

7.       Delete files

Commands Used

Just type the following commands in the cmd for various functions and press enter.

DIR – this command is used for viewing the directory.


Directory is simply a structure which contains references to the other files or folders from the computer.

MD – stands for make directory. To create a directory we have to type
         MD directory name.

CD – this stands for change directory. And the format for changing the directory is

          CD directory name.

To change back simply to root directory i.e. main directory simply type the command


To back one level up when you are inside a directory just type


To change from one drive to another you just have to follow these commands

Simply type the name of the drive followed by colon like this


This command will take you to the E drive.

Now copying files is a normal task which everyone performs.

To copy files type  
         COPY source destination

This method will not copy the directory it will only copy the file inside the directory.

Or if you have windows xp or the above method does not works then try this syntax
          copy c:\windows\notepad.exe c:\fruit

After you have copied the file to the next drive,then to rename the file enter the following Syntax

           ren oldname newname

and if you want to rename folder then follow the syntax

ren "old name" "new name"

Deleting a file

To delete a file use the following syntax

             del filename

Some terms used with command prompt

Wild Card : Symbol  used to replace or represent one or more character. Wild cards are either an asterisk (*).  For example  in cmd dir *.mp3 will show all the files associated with .mp3 extension.

Switches : It modifies the way as MS – DOS carries a command. Generally a switch is followed by / a one or more letter or number.
Like dir /w  it is used to tell the cmd to show the directory with file name listed in wide format.

Root Directory : It is the main directory where we creates many other sub directories. We can say there root directories as drives.

As currently I am also in learning phase so I am able to provide only limited terms. I hope you will share your knowledge with me in comments.

Command Prompt Basics

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Command Prompt is a command line interpreter which was only known method to interact with computers around 1960s before GUI (Graphical User Interface) was introduced.

In simple command  prompt  are text based windows where user can type command and receives text based-outputs.
Command Prompt is also known as cmd

Therese  Stowell developed the initial version of cmd for windows Nt

Later on further changes were done on that initial version and many commands were changed.

Talking about current day many people might be unfamiliar with the command prompt as we have a much easier GUI and it's simple. 

But for computer geeks or programmers it is a basic need because it gives a whole control over the programs.    

We often have heard about the DOS when buying a new pc having a tag "free dos ". But generally most of us misunderstand it with cmd. Command prompt can run most of the DOS commands but it is not DOS.

Use of Command Prompt

Command prompt is used for executing batch files, perform advance administrative functions and troubleshoot and solve certain kind of windows issues.

Also we can do much more with command prompt. We have the whole access to disk if you have knowledge to the commands.

Sometimes we face such problems when our GUI goes down or we want to access our disk from recovery options present in windows 7 or 8.1. You may use cmd for other purpose.

This article is just for beginners. And here I will introduce about the basic of the cmd. 
Check this for  more info on Command Prompt

How to Access Command Prompt

First of all if you have windows 7 you can find command prompt in accessories. In windows 8 you can simply type cmd at run.

In windows 7 or 8 we face simply a problem in stretching the cmd window to full screen.

We can customize the cmd with various colours and also can change the font size too. 

I hope you have got some basic knowledge of CMD from this article and connected other articles. Please respond if you have further questions or some other suggestions.

Disk Hiding Using Command Prompt

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Today most of us use Computer and it has become a part of our daily life. It stores many content such as games, songs, movies, our documents and may be our  personal pictures and videos or any other personal or official  matter which we want to protect from unauthorized access.

For this purpose we get thousands of software in market. But in case if we do not have the availability of such software and many parents want to protect the stuff from their kids or  kids wants to hide their games or their content from their parents  then this simple computer trick can be useful for the seekers.

This is the simplest method to hide your entire whole drive without compromising your data.

Now I will tell you how to do it in simple steps with images

First of all open the command prompt typing cmd at run It will open the command prompt.

Disk Hiding

Now enter the diskpart and press enter.

Disk Hiding

After that some User Account Control permission will be asked then press yes then you will have diskpart command line interface

Disk Hiding

Type list volume  and press enter after which you will have all your volumes with their letter

Disk Hiding

 Now just type Select volume  with the number of that volume that you want to hide and press enter

Disk Hiding

After this step type  remove letter F  with the letter of the drive you want to hide and note that the letter must be the same as of the selected volume

Disk Hiding

Then After pressing enter  your disk will be hidden just as of mine

Disk Hiding

Disk Hiding

Now After  when you have your privacy back  you surely want your drive back

So just follow these steps to get it back

The process is same first open command prompt as like you earlier did after type again diskpart and you will have User Accoun Control window and press yes after again type list volume

Now it will be like that

Un hiding Disk 

Now type select volume with that number whose letter you had previously removed

Un hiding Disk

Now type Assign letter e or that old letter that was previously used for your drive

Unhiding Disk

That's all you will be have results like this

Unhiding Disk

let us know about the experience of this trick.