Designing A simple Webpage Using Basic Tags

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We are already Introduced to HTML

So Now We want out own official Webpage in Webworld.

We are creating our first webpage i.e. "About Techno Geek"

So let's start creating our Webpage Now

The html is mainly focused in building Structure. For decorating We have CSS. We will learn it after HTML.

First Recall The basic format Again

              <title> Techno Geek </title>
            The Body Area consists of The  content which has to be displayed on The Webpage

Let have a Look At our  Webpage

Ok can you guess the ingredients of above webpage?

So we have A heading , A paragraph , A Subheading  and a list.

It's interview time now

Welcome Heroes. You made our webpage complete.

<h1> <p> <h2>  and <li> : Thanks for inviting and yes we do !

 So what are you called inside The HTML

<h1> : We all are called tags.

 Oh as like <title> and other who we have met at introduction.

<h1>: Yes

 I am eager about your work and location inside HTML.
<h1>: Ok. I am the Heading Tag and I makes the Text as Heading. And I lies Inside the Body Tag and also I have closing tag too

<p>: Hi I am Paragraph Tag and I am used to make a paragraph inside the HTML. and I also have a closing tag </p>.

<h2> : Hi ! I am a Subheading Tag and I used to create a subheadings and I am used mostly at webpage.

<li> : Hi ! M...

just wait a minute <li>. I have a question for <h2>. 
 <h2> are you related to <h1>

<h2> : Yes I am I am his brother and we are 6 brothers and our smallest brother is <h6>. We have our own work but generally our small brother is too small that he is not used generally.

Ok Now it's your turn <li> . Please explain about yourself

<li>: My full name is List Item and I am called when there is      need of List in HTML. I also have two Partners.

OMG!! Who are those. I have not seen them at our HTML.

<li>: Yea they were not there at your file. But let me introduce them. 

<li>:  Here they are <ul> and <ol>

Hello guys ! I am amazed that we have more guest too. Please tell us about yourselves.

<ul>: I am used when unordered list is required like there is in your new website.

But You were not there at my website.

<li> : Default unordered list is applied.

<ol> : And ordered list  i.e. me places your list items in order. Default there is numerical counting.

  <ol> <ul>: We are used befor the <li>  and list items are displayed according to us.

<h1>: Ok we have to go. We are needed in HTML.

Thanks for this interview tags and I also have to publish this interview in Techno Geek's blog.

So the interview was amazing but there was something missed.

The <ul> and <ol> tags did not mentioned their place correctly so they emailed me their location

Hey techno Geek we are placed in this way

            <li> your text here</li>

and for  ordered list

           <li> your text here</li>

 or you can add attribute like

                    <ol type="A"> 
                           <li> your content here</li>

Now you may be thinking  Attribute what is that ?

So for the customization of tags we use attribute. Like above  the attribute is  type="A"   

Now We have our Techno Geek's About page ready.

And it's your Experiment time Now To create your webpage.  And in case you had forgot  Then check Introduction To HTML.

And If you are having any suggestions Then please do not forget to mention in comments.


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