Five Android Apps You Must Have

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Top Five Android Apps you Must have

Now a days android phones have become popular and with it's app support it have unlimited app. Among those app you must have these five android apps installed in your cellphone.

1. Beauty Plus 

Beauty Plus is a cool app developed for people who loves to updates their Facebook profile pics daily. This is a beautiful app which have a lot of cool features to edit your picture. It have an auto retouch function which will make your pic cool.You also get a lot of manual filters in it. It has a crop and rotate facility. Another cool feature is that this app can make you look taller, slimmer, it can also remove your dark circle too. So this app is for girls and boys. Now make your profile pic awesome by Beauty Plus.

2. Hinkhoj Dictionary 

Hinkhoj Dictionary is the best dictionary to find the meanings of English words. It has an unlimited database of words and their meanings. This dictionary always provides a new word daily. It has various tools such as Pronunciation (English), Spell checker, a word guess game and a cross word. This dictionary also have an option to save words which you looks for and it also have a record of your search history. Now try out this cool Hinkhoj Dictionary.

3. Musixmatch  

With this app there is no need to search lyrics on internet. This app is for song lovers and singers who loves to sing English songs. This app plays songs with their lyrics. It also have a singing option where it mutes all the vocals and you can sing with the song. But this app requires an active internet connection to download the lyrics one time and it saves it for offline use. You can download Musixmatch.

4. Shazam 


If you started liking a music which you are currently listening and you don't know the name of that song then this app is best suited for you. This app recognize tone, song and even vocals. You can sing and it will find that song for you. And even it will display the lyrics too. You can listen live and most important copy the name and search and download it from internet. You can download Shazam form the Play Store.

5. SHAREit

If you likes to share a lot of data between your friends then SHAREit must be there with you always. This app works with wifi/hotspot which supports high speed data transfer upto 30 MBPS average. It depends on cellphone i.e. sender and receiver. This app can send audio, video and apps too. You can also download it for PC and enjoy data transfer without any penderive. You can download SHAREit on your android and PC.

So you must download these five android app and make your cellphone more cool. Also if you have any cool suggestions regarding any apps you can comment here.

How To Show Hidden Files affected by Shortcut Virus

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How To Show Hidden Files affected by Shortcut Virus
If your computer is affected by Shortcut virus and You wants to view hidden files affected by shortcut virus then following is the simplest way to get them from your Pendrive and other removable media.

Check out This video on How to show Hidden files affected By shortcut Virus

  • Go to Control Panel and open Folder Option  

    • Now click on View and Check Show Hidden Files, Folders, and drives
    Hidden Files Affected By shortcut Virus

    • Third and Most important Step is To UNCHECK Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)
    uncheck hide protected system files

     This is the simplest way to show hidden files affected by shortcut virus.

    How To recover Hidden files using Command Prompt

    First connect your removable media to your PC and After that open Command Prompt and Type the following command on to that window.
    attrib -h -r -s g:\*.*/s/d 

    attrib -h -r -s g:\*.*/s/d along with the spaces. Here letter G represent your removable drive letter.

    Now your files will be visible and copy them but leave shortcuts and after that Format the pendrive.

    Get an antivirus programe to secure your PC and Update it regularly.

    In this way you easily recover and show hidden files affected by shortcut virus.

    For More Tips and Tricks on Computer check out our New Website The Guys' Computer 

    Blockquote,Marquee and Table Tag

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    In our webpage when we want to insert quotes on a sentence we use <q> tag.

    Quoting a whole Paragraph

    To make a paragraph quoted or different we use Blockquote.

    <blockquote> Your paragraph here   </blockquote>

    For Example
    Hello readers I am back after 2 weeks. As Technosians admin was unwell for
    2 weeks that's why there was no update since last 2 weeks. This absence had
    made technosians indexing low or may be Google had forgot Technosians from
    it's database. So to get back on it's indexing list we have to post here again
    daily and now Technosians will be regular updated though it is expected.

    The above paragraph is the example of Blockquote.

    Scrolling Text in Your Webpage

    Sometimes you want to scroll the text on your webpage. To facilitate this there is <marquee> tag in HTML

    <marquee>  your text here </marquee>
    Now if you want to scroll the text in a particular direction then we use direction attribute

    To scroll text towards right direction then we will use

    <marquee direction="right"> Hello There </marquee>

    You can use UP or Down or Left as desired.

    Creation Of Table in your Webpage

    Sometime we needs to create a table in our Webpage.

    To create a table HTML has <table> tag for the creation of table

    For creation of Table use the following HTML
             <td>    Name                </td> 
             <td>    Domain             </td>   
              <td>   Technosians       </td>

    Here <tr> tag is used to start a row and inside the <tr> tag <td> tag is used to define Column content.

    The above HTML will create the following table


    Customizing Table with various Attributes

    Creating a Border 


    <table border="5">                
             <td>   Name </td> 
             <td>  Domain  </td>   
             <td>  Technosians</td>

    To apply colour on your table border use attribute Bordercolor

    <table border="5" bordercolor="red">

    You can also set alignment for your Table

    <table align="center">

    You can change the width of your table

    <table width="1000">

    Change the width of the columns of your Table

    <td width="300"> Your text here     </td>

    Cellspacing in Table

    <table border="5" cellspacing="20">

    Table Height

    <table height ="300">

    Giving Title To your Table


    <ta<caption> <font size="10"> your Table Title here </font> </caption>

    Creating  Nested Rows and Columns

    Nesting columns

    When an element exists inside and another element then the process is called

    So To create a Nested columns we use colspan="2" attribute if we want 2 columns
    if you wants 3 you can use colspan="3"

    to create above table in my Html I Use colspan

                          <td width="500" > <font size="6">Name</font></td>
                          <td width="500"colspan="2"><font size="6"> Domain</font></td>
                           <td><font size="4"> Technosians</font></td>
                           <td><font size="4"></font></td>
                           <td><font size="4"></font></td>

    Nesting Rows

    Now To create a row inside row we use rowspan="2" attribute if you want's 2
    another rows. You can change the number as desired.

     Check out this html for nested row

               <td> Technosians</td>
                        <tr>                          <!-- first Row -->
                           <td rowspan="2"> Domain</td> 
                        <tr>                           <!-- Another Row-->

    Now Practice This and enjoy. If you face any problem or having some suggestions
    then do tell us in comments.

    Hyper-linking and Adding Images to Webpage

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    Till Now we have learned some of the simple tags of HTML. Now it's time for creating hyper texts i.e. hyperlink in our HTML document.

    What is HYPERLINK

    Hyperlink  is a reference to data that reader can directly follow by clicking or by hovering. In simple words it refers to another webpage having some information.


    Hypertext is text which contains link to other texts.


    Above we have the example of hyper text and by clicking on it you will redirected to the Technosians home page.

    How To Create Hypertext 

    To create a hypertext you have to use <a> tag

    <a> tag alone cannot be used. We have to use href attribute.

    <a href="website url here"> Website Name</a>

    Try this example 

    create an HTML document  

                  <title> Testing Hypertext </title>
                <h1> Hypertext</h1>       
                    <p> Hello Today I will Learn Hypelinking.                                      
                   <a href="">Technosians</a>                  

    Now I have got A Hypertext in my webpage and when I will hover mouse over
    that text mouse will convert into a hand and my website name will be clickable.

    How To make your Hyperlink open in Next tab

    After creating a hypertext you will not want to move your audience from your main webpage.

    For this you have to create hypertext having capability of opening hyperlink to a next tab.

    To do this you just have to add "target" attribute to your <a> tag

    <a href="website URL" target="next"> Website Name</a>

    Now try this in your html document.

    Adding Images To Your Webpage

    Till Now We have boaring webpages having only text. Now to make your webpage alive you have to add some images.

    For Adding images we use <img> tag
    Now <img> tag needs information i.e. from where it will display image.

    To accompany this  we use "src" attribute

    <img src="url or location where image lies.">

    And One important thing is that <img> tag doesn't have a closing tag.

    Add the below information to your html document.

    <img src=""> 

    This will add Google Image on your webpage.

    Addding Alt Attribute to Img tag

    You have a high speed internet connection. But your website visitors may not have. So in that case they must know about the image
    which is not displayed to them.

    To add more information we use alt attribute with our img tag.

    <img src="" alt="Google">

    Now update your webpage right now.

    Making your Image As a Hyperlink 

    Hyperlinking is an easy task in HTML. You can make your image clickable.

    To make your image as a hyperlink use img tag inside <a> tag

    <a href="" target="next"><img src="" alt="Google">

    Now try this code now in your html document.

    I hope you had learned how to use img element and hyperlink creation.

    If you have more information reagarding to this topic then please comment here

    Designing A simple Webpage Using Basic Tags

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    We are already Introduced to HTML

    So Now We want out own official Webpage in Webworld.

    We are creating our first webpage i.e. "About Techno Geek"

    So let's start creating our Webpage Now

    The html is mainly focused in building Structure. For decorating We have CSS. We will learn it after HTML.

    First Recall The basic format Again

                  <title> Techno Geek </title>
                The Body Area consists of The  content which has to be displayed on The Webpage

    Let have a Look At our  Webpage

    Ok can you guess the ingredients of above webpage?

    So we have A heading , A paragraph , A Subheading  and a list.

    It's interview time now

    Welcome Heroes. You made our webpage complete.

    <h1> <p> <h2>  and <li> : Thanks for inviting and yes we do !

     So what are you called inside The HTML

    <h1> : We all are called tags.

     Oh as like <title> and other who we have met at introduction.

    <h1>: Yes

     I am eager about your work and location inside HTML.
    <h1>: Ok. I am the Heading Tag and I makes the Text as Heading. And I lies Inside the Body Tag and also I have closing tag too

    <p>: Hi I am Paragraph Tag and I am used to make a paragraph inside the HTML. and I also have a closing tag </p>.

    <h2> : Hi ! I am a Subheading Tag and I used to create a subheadings and I am used mostly at webpage.

    <li> : Hi ! M...

    just wait a minute <li>. I have a question for <h2>. 
     <h2> are you related to <h1>

    <h2> : Yes I am I am his brother and we are 6 brothers and our smallest brother is <h6>. We have our own work but generally our small brother is too small that he is not used generally.

    Ok Now it's your turn <li> . Please explain about yourself

    <li>: My full name is List Item and I am called when there is      need of List in HTML. I also have two Partners.

    OMG!! Who are those. I have not seen them at our HTML.

    <li>: Yea they were not there at your file. But let me introduce them. 

    <li>:  Here they are <ul> and <ol>

    Hello guys ! I am amazed that we have more guest too. Please tell us about yourselves.

    <ul>: I am used when unordered list is required like there is in your new website.

    But You were not there at my website.

    <li> : Default unordered list is applied.

    <ol> : And ordered list  i.e. me places your list items in order. Default there is numerical counting.

      <ol> <ul>: We are used befor the <li>  and list items are displayed according to us.

    <h1>: Ok we have to go. We are needed in HTML.

    Thanks for this interview tags and I also have to publish this interview in Techno Geek's blog.

    So the interview was amazing but there was something missed.

    The <ul> and <ol> tags did not mentioned their place correctly so they emailed me their location

    Hey techno Geek we are placed in this way

                <li> your text here</li>

    and for  ordered list

               <li> your text here</li>

     or you can add attribute like

                        <ol type="A"> 
                               <li> your content here</li>

    Now you may be thinking  Attribute what is that ?

    So for the customization of tags we use attribute. Like above  the attribute is  type="A"   

    Now We have our Techno Geek's About page ready.

    And it's your Experiment time Now To create your webpage.  And in case you had forgot  Then check Introduction To HTML.

    And If you are having any suggestions Then please do not forget to mention in comments.

    Introduction To Html

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    Introduction TO HTML

    Do you surf the Web?
        daily ? or weekly?

    Do you know How a website is  built?

      If not  then you are landed at the correct webpage.

    Now within a couple of minutes you  will know how websites are built.

    What is a Website

    As the name suggest "Web" that is a web not the spider's web
    but a group or various networks connected together.

    And "Site"  In real word it refers to place  and in web-world
    it also refers to virtual area having webpages.

    A webpage is just a page that provides information with the help of images text or animations.

    And the best example you knows it already.
     Like Google and Facebook Which you use to surf with your browser.

    Now you already know  that a browser is an application software which is use to surf  the websites.

    Now let's move on the cool thing.

    How a Webpage is Built

    A webpage is basically built using HTML. There are other scripting languages too which are used to make a webpage interactive but
    as starting with basic here I will focus on HTML.

    So What's HTML stand's for?

    HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

    Basically It's name says that HTML is a language which focus on Structure having Links to another webpages.

                              In detail The HTML Says 
     As your name has some meaning My name also 

                  Hyper Text-  It stands for the Text which is clicable and can take you to another webpage.
                 Markup - I am all about the structure. HTML use me to create Structure.

    So what's The structure Now?

    As Like our body has a structure.   We have head and body.

    Like that a webpage also have

    so basically there are 2 parts of HTML Head and Body.

    As Head is an essential part of our body and we have a brain in It which knows everything about our body like that HTML

    Head is a part of webpage which knows all about the webpage like it's title , and other information regarding to the webpage decoration and other effects.

    And Body is the part where Information is feed which is to be displayed by the browser.

    And all the part  head and body are inside the HTML . 

    So let's create your first webpage.

    To create an HTML page first you need a computer;  You already have!  then a notepad or a text editor. Then you are ready to create an HTML webpage

    So  here's your first Webpage

    type the following code to your text editor

                            <title> MY First Webpage </title>
                                Hello Word I am having My first Webpage here. It's so easy and interesting.

    and then save it as  "My first webpage.HTML"

    Now are you thinking What is This above thing and what it mean.

      The Whole HTML works on tags  <html> these things inside the angle brackets <> are tags each tag mean a specific thing to browser.

    That means The file that you saved as My First Webpage.html is understood by the browser.
    The browser reads the instruction inside and interprets them and display it according to them.

    As above I had told you that there is a head and body inside the HTML  so we began with 
             <html>  tag
    After that Head comes  <head>  and you know every information is inside the head as told earlier so The title of the webpage will
    lie inside the head with <title> tag.

    What is than </title>  there. 
    Every tag that is opened needs to be closed in HTML followed by slash so that browser can understand that it's the end and will display
    the thing which will be there between opening and closing tag.

    Similarly head is closed</head>
    And after that body is started With <body> tag and inside it We typed the message which will be displayed by the browser.
    and at last we close the </body> and then </html>

    So As I told that the whole HTML is the world of tags and each tag provides a specific meaning to the browser.

    So tomorrow Some more Important Tags will roll In.

    Till then Experiment With these simple codes. This was the only introduction.

    The real thing will come up In the next post.

    If you have any suggestions regarding to simply more about HTML then please comment here. I will be very happy to update it for my readers.

    Hyper Text For me

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    After 3 or 4 days of  depression. I am back here and today I am again with you.

    I think This blog is going to starve as the writer is discontinuous here due to out of ideas and sources.

    As this is a blog so verified information is required as people reads and gain.

    For me this blog is just a test ground and will be passively alive.

    I thought that i must again start with a new angle a new website having all my design my code and with a custom domain.

    So for that I must have some knowledge of scripting.

    From now on I will have some Hyper Text here posted here.

    Currently I am learning from a Book and I have an idea of posting all the stuff which i learn in my own way.

    May be if there are some of guys who reads this blog daily or may be weekly as it is not updated daily so form now on We all will have HTML5 lessons here with me.

    It  might be possible people already had knowledge of HTML but still there are always starter alive.

    Everyone want to learn as it helps in growing.

    As I am learning HTML/CSS  so the next  there will be a whole series of HTML/CSS.  And as a test ground I will also create a dummy website at blogger to understand how the blogger will work with my website .

    How it will link with my design and many more.

    A lot of things to learn.

    As I know the world wants something new. There are many old things that people already know.

    So may be that's why I am getting minimum traffic. But that's all right. As I lack resources like fast internet.

    Fast Internet is essential thing for a blogger as blogger has to read other bloggers blogs to learn more

    Also I am connected with some of bloggers Like Rohan bro active at Learning With TeamSR, Sashidhar bro founder of Amfas Tech and Rahul bro having Spellbound Words. Those are amazing guys and they have amazing website and amazing work.

    As they are passionate about their work. But I want my self as a code lover who loves coding. I want to become an awesome programmer.

    Currently I am not a programmer but I think If I follow this inner feeling then soon one day I will become some serious programmer. Who stick to his computer whole night and always come up with new and awesome cool things.

    I love money But the thing I know is that I can't chase money as it is tough. And I had failed many time doing that.

    The thing I understood is that there is something that "Money" chases.

    That thing is "Passion". People having a passion for something are always rich as their work is their passion which they love doing day and night and money always Rolls in.

    So my search for passion is continued and I hope I can and I will have that work .

    Till then We all have HTML 5.

    I hope I will get here some suggestion form the readers. 

    Facebook's Preventional Tool

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    In my recent post I had mentioned that how people are connected to Social Media and are so close to it.

    And that thing seems true as here in this modern era we got many cases of suicide.

    And before doing that they always left some suicide status to their Facebook's Wall.

    So Now our Bestie "Facebook" has launched a New feature to prevent it's user from making suiciede.

    According to News Facebook is testing "Suicide Preventional Tool"

    This tool will Prevent it's users from killing themselves.

    As soon as A Facebook user post's a status winch states some stress or any serious problem then the tool will alert Facebook.

    The tool will not work Itself. It will be triggered with an "arrow" which Facebook will provide under Status.

    When any of the person's friend see any depressing status then he/she will click on "arrow" which will let Facebook to know about the person's mental state.

    And after that Facebook will call that person and will try to resolve
    the problem of that person so that he/she will abort.

    Last Week Facebook has tested this "Preventional Tool" in America with
    some limited users.

    And currently Facebook is updating It's "Preventional Tool" as from the response of people.

    And as soon as "Preventional Tool" will be updated it will be in INDIA too
    on smartphones and desktop too.

    Another feature with a slogan "Your Pics Your Rules" is especially liked by people especially Girls.

    With this feature if you find that some one is misusing your picture
    then you can report to Facebook and if the pic violates it's policies
    Then Facebook will remove that picture for you.

    Soon These features will land in INDIA too.

    So now from on Take care of you and your friends and also Prevent them from hurting themselves.

    Xiaomi Mi3 Hand's On Review

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    Just a few month after rolling in to Indian Market Chinese Smartphone Manufacturer Xiaomi had Made it's place in Indian's Heart.

    Xiaomi Mi3 was the first product which just flew from China and landed
    Directly to the heart's of people in India.

    Xiaomi Mi3 is packed with extraordinary hardware and with it's aggressive
    price it is still in the heart of People.And We can buy Xiaomi Mi3 exclusively at flipkart.

    I had got My Xiaomi Mi3 in November and from then I experienced many good and some bad thing's too.

    First Let's have a Look At It's Specifications on GSM Arena

    Feels Pretty to Eyes

    The device is just 8.1 mm in it's thickness and it's so slim that you will love it in first sigh.

    It doesn't have a metallic body; but in silver colour it seems metallic but neither it is metallic not purely plastic.

    The good thing is that Xiaomi Mi3 doesn't catch dirt and it is easily cleaned.

    But a body cover is required to protect Mi3's body from damaging in case of falling.

    Another thing that will make you to buy the device is it's light weight. It is having a weight of 145gm but still if feels light to hand.


    Now let's talk about it's hardware And it's Specification

    It is having Qualcom Snapdragon 800 Chipset with Quad-Core 2.3 Ghz krait 400 cpu having Adrino 330 as GPU with a combination of 2GB of RAM.

    Due to it's powerful hardware and Xiaomi miui 6 the device never became laggy. And the nice  thing about Xiaomi mi3 is that It get Updates in time.

    But Still Xiaomi Mi3 Lollipop isn't landed to the device. I hope it will soon be here.

    Screen And Gaming 

    Xiaomi Mi3 has got a 5inch Full HD screen. It's screen is bright and is having excellent viewing angels due to it's IPS panel.

    As with it's Adrino 330 GPU gaming experience changes a lot. You will enjoy gaming with it's Bright Screen. 


    Xiaomi mi3 had Got 13mp Sony Xmor sensor and a 2mp front facing shooter. This camera is awesome for taking pictures in manual mode.

    But automatic mode is not too good as it's pictures gets enough noise. I use manual setting to capture.

    Front camera is surprisingly good at good lightning conditions but it fails in low light.

    From this device you can capture videos in 480 , HD and in Full HD too.

    Video quality is good but the sound recording at the time of video shooting is not impressive.Sound distort somewhat.

    Overall it has a well performing camera but if you are passionate about video recording then i would recommend not to go for this device.

    Xiaomi Mi3 can be used as a music playback device. It has got 3.5 jack and I love to lisen music on it using My Sennheiser CX 275s.

    And I use Power Amp application to enjoy music in it.

    The device has got it's speakers below not in it's back side. So you will also enjoy music in speaker mode.


    It has Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi, NFC GPS with A GPS and Glonass. Which is enough for people of INDIA. Only WiFi and Bluetooth are used generally.

    Battery Backup

    With it's 3050maH non removable battery the cellphone last's a whole day long with it's while using it on wifi and playing music. The standby is upto 500 hrs claimed by company.

    Finally Xiaomi mi3 With all it's advantages It has some cons too.

    • It only have a fixed 16GB of memory.
    • It has only one single sim Slot.
    • The service centres of Xiaomi are not everywhere in INDIA.

    Still you can experience this device. Xiaomi Mi3 is Awesome and I would recommend you to Go for this device.

    And Soon We will get android Lollipop in Xiaomi Mi3 

    Till then Stay Updated and I hope you enjoyed this article and also Tell us what you think.

    What's App Web

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    Have you heard about the what's app web page. If not then you must read further.

     And as soon you will be able to know about it and; I am sure that  If you like working at your PC whole Day then you will get a whole new What's app experience. 

    Today everybody is familiar with What's app as we all people have become habitual of it. Our normal text messaging has changed to what's app messages.

    But some of users like me or like you are always busy at our pc's so it becomes really frustrating to reply and check cell phone again and again especially; if people like me love typing through computer's keyboard.

    To do this many of us use what's app in PC using Bluestack ; that is simulator  for playing android applications. But it has it's own limitations.

    So what's app has solved our problem with it's new what's app web page.

    It's a latest new feature and here I will show you how to use this feature in your smartphone.

    First of all if you have old version of what's app; then you better update it.

    After That fire your browser at your computer and go to What's App web page.

    There you will find a QR code.

    Now open your what's app at your cellphone.

    After That open a drop down menu where you will find What's app web option

    And as you previously opened what's app web on your PC then you just have to scan the QR code displayed.

    After that you will have your cellphone what's app there.

    And remember that what’s app web is currently working on Google Chrome. It can also work on Opera mini But at Mozilla Firefox it will not work.

    So Open your Google chrome and enjoy! 

    Connecting Social Media To A Website

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    "Social Media "   
    This word has become a part of our life in this era.

    Especially Facebook and Twitter has become a part of life. 

    We share our life with them more than  any other else.

    And it seems that "Social Media" has become a life partner and our Best Friend.

    So  shouldn't we take the help of our life partner to promote our website ?  Of course Yes !

    We Must.

    So Today I will allow My "Life Partner " to promote My blog.

    First Of all I have to Introduce My website to my Social media partner.

    To do this I have to take my friend's eye towards my website. 

    So to do this I have to ask Facebook as she use different language for recognizing the website.

    So first I will go To Facebook.

    "Hey Dear Facebook ! Can You help Me connecting My Blog With you?  "

    "Yes of course Why Not!  Ankit Just Add the Code to your Website that I am sending You."

    "First Add this code to your website's body section."
          window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
              appId      : &#39;your-app-id&#39;,
              xfbml      : true,
              version    : &#39;v2.1&#39;

          (function(d, s, id){
             var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
             if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
             js = d.createElement(s); = id;
             js.src = &quot;//;;
             fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
           }(document, &#39;script&#39;, &#39;facebook-jssdk&#39;));

     "Then Add Below Code To that place where You want to add Like gadget for your facebook Page."

     <div class="fb-like-box" data-href="Your Page Link" data-colorscheme="light" data-show-faces="true" data-header="true" data-stream="false" data-show-border="true"></div>

     " Thanks a Lot Dear Facebook. Ok now I have to go and ask This Favour To Twitter Too."

    "OK Bye Good Luck! ; I hope twitter will also Help you.

    Now After I have connected my website/blog to Facebook . It's time to connect with Twitter too.

     "Hi! Twitter. I need Your help. I have got a New blog and I want you to help me for spreading it to whole world."

    "Ok Ankit Just add this simple Piece of code to your website."

     "Wait ! Have you created an account related to your website in My Network."

     "Yes I have done It already."

     "LOL! You remembered That account. I thought You Forget as you have not tweeted there. "

    "I will tweet There. Please Provide me the code to connect."

    "Ok The code is too mashy to understood by your little head So you check my Guide or In your language Twitter's Guide." 

    "Whoa ! Twitter was So Intelligent. How did he know about My head."

    And After hot conversation With twitter I decided to get code for You Tube from My another Friend  Who Is all-rounder and he's so famous. I know You also Know him.

    "Hi ! Google what's Up. "

    "Just helping People around !  You want That HOT stuff Again ? I will give You ."

    "OH !!  NO! NO! Don't Open My  secret to public. "

    "Ha Ha.  I was just joking . Ask me I will help You. "

     "Finally You are Serious Now. Then Please Provide Me The code   to connect My blog with My YouTube Channel."

    "Bro code will be complex Go to this Link and you will have your code."

    "Ok Bye I have to help other too. And next time you want  some spicy content  come to me;  Ha Ha. "
    "Arghhh!!  Don't pick on me.  Bye ! go you have a lot of work."

    So finally I have all the code and now MY website is complete. I hope your's will be too.

    And you must connect your website with social media. As I am a beginner so today I had done this.

    Especially Social media is a great tool to make our website more visible to the audience all over the world.

    I hope you enjoyed My conversation With "Social Media" and If you have any problems related to establishing connection then tell me or them I am sure They will help again.